Here is the first of hopefully many design questions I plan to answer from my readers.  You can submit your questions via email to  

What is the best size rug to use under a dining table?
I really like this question because this is one of my biggest pet peeves!  Especially, when I see a beautiful room in a magazine and the rug is too small.  What is wrong with this picture?
Can you see it?  That rug is at least 3 feet too short!  Those head chairs should not be off falling off the ends like that.  Now, I do love that art wall and I think the banquette is great.
The best rule is take your table size and add 24" both the width and length and that is the size rug you should use.  This measurement assures that when a person is sitting in the chair, it won't come off the rug.  Here's a little handy guide I found online.
Here are some beautiful dining rooms with the perfect size rugs.

All Photos via Pinterest

If you need some help finding the perfect rug for your dining room, give me a call!

Thanks for reading,


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